
49 posts

Remix Framework’s “White Screen Of Death”

My first time working with the Remix framework didn’t go so well. I followed their quick start instructions step-by-step which seemed very straight forward. The development server started. I opened a browser to localhost and ended up with the dreaded “white screen of death”. I thought I followed all the […]

Prepping For My Conference Session

My proposal for a conference session was accepted. Next month, I will be hosting a session called “Effective First Day Student Introductions… with 40, 50, 60 Students or More!” at the 2023 2U Educator Conference – “Innovations In Online Education” Should be a fun session. The technical work is done. […]

NextJS & Strapi for Static Site Generation

I’ve been motivated to move some of my side projects and blogs off of WordPress. It’s a great platform but I don’t like to see hundreds of attempts to hack my sites in my logs. So far, none have succeeded, but I resent having to block IPs from bots to […]

Latest Project: Carlson’s Coders

COVID drove the UC Berkeley Coding Boot Camp online in early 2020. Sadly, it seems as though there are no plans to resume in-person classes. I say “Sadly” because I really enjoyed the in-person experience. It’s SO MUCH EASIER to teach real people than little black rectangles on Zoom. You […]

Nasty NPM Error

Looks like somebody broke something! Somewhere between Node v18 and Webpack 5, this little error started appearing: ‘digital envelope routines::initialization error’ Fortunately, I found a pretty simple workaround: In your package.json file, add this prefix to the scripts that break: export NODE_OPTIONS=–openssl-legacy-provider For example, instead of just start-storybook -p 6006, […]