Development New OnlineTRACKER Survey Interface Published July 12, 2020 Built with React, TypeScript, React Storybook, and Node: Once the user completes a short pre-survey screener, the survey is ready to begin. The user clicks on the play button to begin. The user has 4 seconds to focus on the audio before they are asked to provide their opinion. After a 4 second delay, the user is asked 2 questions about each song. The first is “How do you feel about this song?” The second question is “How tired are you of this song?”
Published July 14, 2016 New Javascript ForEach iterator Have to start getting used to some iterator syntax. Here’s how we USED to do it: for (let color in colors) { […]
Published September 25, 2020 Congratulations UC Berkeley Coding Boot Camp Grads Congratulations to the graduates of my 7th cohort at UC Berkeley Coding Boot Camp! They all made it through an intensive 6-month […]
Published June 21, 2016 JQuery is Alive jQuery releases version 3.0 – a slimmer, faster JavaScript library