Congratulations to everyone in my first cohort at UC Berkeley Extension Coding Boot Camp!

A 24-week journey ended last weekend with final project demos and a trip to Raleigh’s Bar. These students started from scratch, learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. They worked their way through a number of front end frameworks and libraries. They learned how to persist and retrieve data in databases. They also learned how to create web servers using Node and Express. Finally they put it all together by building full stack web applications using all of these technologies plus React. The course moved quickly — sometimes it felt like drinking out of a firehose. But each lesson built upon the last. By the end, each had a firm foundation for new job opportunities in the heart of Silicon Valley. Just as important, we all leave the class with friendships and contacts that will last a lifetime.
I’m really looking forward to following their careers as they take these skills and apply them professionally.
Here are some photos from the student’s final projects: