I’ve been driving our team’s retrospectives recently, using FunRetro to facilitate and catalog aspects of our sprint that went well and not so well. One of the most engaging parts of the meeting is conducting an ice breaker, which we do to lead off meeting. I ask a question and everyone on the team offers a response. Then we go through the responses and try to guess whose is whose. It’s a fun way get to know our teammates better and get people to open up for verbal communication throughout the entire meeting.
I’ll add the questions we use below. Feel free to add questions that have worked well for you in the comments below:
- What was the last series you watched on television.
- Write down one truth about you, and one lie.
- What is the most money you have ever spent on a pair of jeans?
- What is one thing you like that you think most people don’t like?
- What is something you collect (or have collected)?