Here are some virtual background images I use when on zoom calls
There are few things better than seeing an app you’ve built working live in production.
It’s fairly simple, and very well documented, how to setup an express server with a CRA (Create React App) application. Simply add a line to the CRA’s package.json file: But what happens when you eject from CRA? Once you do that, the webpack configs are entirely up to you. Your […]
I’ve been driving our team’s retrospectives recently, using FunRetro to facilitate and catalog aspects of our sprint that went well and not so well. One of the most engaging parts of the meeting is conducting an ice breaker, which we do to lead off meeting. I ask a question and […]
Congratulations to these students who put in a ton of time and effort. On May 30th, they completed a 6-month intensive course on web development. I’m calling this group my cohort #4. During this cohort, I was asked to take over another cohort that was about 75% complete with their […]
Congratulations to the latest graduates of the UC Berkeley Coding Boot Camp: After 24 grueling weeks, 3 group projects, 19 homework assignments, blood, sweat, and tears, this group graduated Nov 1, 2018. They are ready to enter the tech industry, having demonstrated their abilities to build full stack web apps. […]
Thank you, Avenue Code!
While migrating servers, this code in .htaccess stopped working for me: <Files filename> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </Files> After hours of searching (and mostly playing around), this fixed it: <Files filename> SetHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php56 </Files>
Congratulations to everyone in my first cohort at UC Berkeley Extension Coding Boot Camp! A 24-week journey ended last weekend with final project demos and a trip to Raleigh’s Bar. These students started from scratch, learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. They worked their way through a number of front end […]
Nothing is more frustrating when learning full-stack web development than running into the dreaded CORS roadblock Turns out there’s an easy fix: Only one little problem. It goes down from time to time, usually when you need it the most. Fortunately, it’s super easy to create your own cors-anywhere […]